Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Tomorrow we are scheduled, well, Lens is scheduled, to be induced at 6 am. "nervous" and "excited" are words that come to mind. nervous for Lensey and the baby during delivery, nervous for Laynie and her reaction to a new face that will be getting grandparents attention, nervous because I am responsible for showing my son how to be a man of God.

See, with Laynie there are certainly things I can teach her: how to be independent, the fact that all farting is funny, laughter is the serious business of heaven, all men are pigs except for me and her two granddads, how she should be treated when the whole boy thing starts happening (you can start praying now that she converts to Catholicism and becomes a nun), and that her mom is the greatest friend and person on the face of the planet.

But for a son? the challenge i accept only on the fact that my God is with me.

Tomorrow we meet the second Jack Richardson I have ever known. the first was my grandfather, my dad's dad. He was a great man and good friend to me for the first thirteen years of my life. His story is wild, and I can only pray that the new Jack pursues God with the same wildness that the old Jack experienced. Are you excited? I am.
Tomorrow you get to meet Jack Matthew Richardson.
Tomorrow another Richardson enters the world.
Tomorrow we get to witness the miracle of God's beautiful creation.
Tomorrow we get to smell heaven.
Tomorrow we start a new chapter.
Tomorrow the track changes from 3 to 4.

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